
Allow me to introduce myself, My name is Shayne Joshua the First, I am Fourscore and 3 minus 60 years old. Nigerian by birth, international by inclination, and a christian by choice. Currently residing in the medieval realm of Tallinn in the baltic lands of Estonia. At heart, a mobile applications conjurer and a paragon of great musical affinity and prowess, I hold a 1000 Dan Black Belt in sarcasm and humour. An avid reader and an renowned distributor of great compliments to fair maidens in every realm. If you like you can follow me on Twitter @SoundsofShayne or add me on Facebook- Shayne Joshua.

I’m gonna be posting about everything that I am about; namely IT concepts (simply put, computer stuff for geeks and non-geeks) that I get to know about, God, love, daily adventures and escapades in Estonian awkwardness, my periodic opinions about social concepts like homosexuality and feminism. In short, stuff that if you personally knew me, you’d say with great fervor “This totally sounds like Shayne!”.

Until we meet, keep swinging, and go get ’em.


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