Sony Hack Attack: Open letter to SONY, the scared FBI, NSA and CIA intelligence, North Korea and Seth Rogen

Ahhh the sweet sounds of Irony. Oh? I’m sorry I didn’t see you there. I was just here trying hard to stifle a laugh at SONY. Yea O people of the InternetDom, It is I once again, Shayne the First bringing you the humorous and cowardice practices of supposedly “big, advanced” corporate film studios….Did I hear someone sigh? Yeuuup. You should have. Sony was hacked! Big whoop!

Boom! Made you look. No but seriously, Sony was supposedly hacked by North Korea as confirmed by Federal Authorities. My first reaction to this was what? North Korea? Are you freaking serious? Is that all the so called great and mighty CIA, NSA and FBI could do? Tell us that it was North Korea? Guys come on. If it’s to torture people pointlessly or illegally spy on innocent people, you guys would excel but when it comes to actual work….actual combating of cyber-terrorism, then you guys run with your tail in between your legs. Ohhh as long as it wasn’t Iran or Afghanistan, then it isn’t a cyber attack. I am amazed by the amount of cowardice that the FBI, CIA and whatever have. You guys have a lot of cyber-security operatives. How are you doing nothing about this? This is equal to Iraq…North Korea had the guts to cause an attack on your country and the best you can do is pinpoint who did it? Shameful. Where’s Donald Trump with his pointless views? Oh no…he’s not saying anything now because it’s not from the middle east. This is shameful, absolutely despicable. Even George R.R Martin agrees with me and I quote him after he offered his theater to shoot the Interview:

The level of corporate cowardice here astonishes me. It’s a good thing these guys were not around when Charlie Chaplin made the Great Dictator. If Kim Jong-Un scares them Adolf Hitler would have had them shitting in their smallclothes.

Dear George R.R Martin, I do not watch Game of Thrones and I’m not really a fan of your work but you couldn’t have been more right. I mean North Korea says all sorts of nonsense about America in their country and they say it without fear or favour. I am extremely disappointed in Sony. Your first mistake Sony was to decide to create such a movie but okay, okay I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt. Let’s say you wanted to make fun of Kim Jong-Un. Alright? Now why would you cancel the movie. Didn’t one person on your board tell you that cancelling the movie is a horrible Idea? You’ve just made things worse for yourself not to mention the upward losses of over $90 million. You’ve just told North Korea and similar cyber-attack organisations that you have no backbone whatsoever online. You’ve just shown them your vulnerability. You see, CIA rather than waste resources doing things that are not inline with the values of US as a country, why don’t you give an order somehow to air the movie? Yes North Korea would be pissed, but who cares? You’re the United States. You answer to no one. Right? I bet you, Russia now would send DDOS otherwise known as Denial of Service or another form of hacking to the US now because Sony just told them “Hey it’s alright bud, you can steal my stuff. I don’t mind” (Read it in an American Southern accent…it’s more fun that way). North Korea threatens you? You defy them by airing the movie anyway. I mean who cares about them? That’s the least you could do after the contacts of your employees were put on the black market for whosoever.

It is really weird. Now this is to you Seth Rogen, How is making a movie about assassinating Kim Jong-Un a good idea? More or less you involved the federal security agencies by showing that the FBI or CIA or NSA asked you to go kill Kim. I am not surprised however, as the CIA and FBI have their hands in many shady deals around the world which is why most people in countries outside the US think the US is the greatest threat to world peace. You guys have been the masterminds behind a lot of terrible things in Africa, Asia, the Middle East and Europe. Seth, Seth, where did this idea come from? Sony balked at the idea yet you still insisted. If I may, what were you intending to achieve? What good could have possibly come of doing a movie where you assassinate a current world leader? It doesn’t take Nostradamus to know that that was a disaster waiting to happen and then you dragged James Franco into this. Dude, wrong move man, wrong move. Someone mentioned ‘9–11’. I mean I do not despise the reality of that possibility but are you kidding me? People, why do we have the CIA, NSA and FBI? Since they claim to have upped their game against terrorism, then we should have nothing to worry about. Why are people scared? Seriously? It is funny how the great and powerful United States of America would let themselves be bullied by North Korea yet claim to be strong when it comes to the Middle East.

Here’s a little comic strip to brighten your day




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