Why Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice sucks

Yes. My fellow Internetarians. It is I, Shayne the First, awoken from my deep slumber where I pondered life and its meaning. I woke up due to the realization that Deep Thought, the World Engine,  already found the answer to life- 42. However, that’s not what this post is about. Actually, the premise of this post is rather simple much unlike the movie I’d discuss with y’all today. To all those who are hardcore film critics, I’m not a movie reviewer, I’m simply a comic book and comic book-history enthusiast dishing out his opinions on comic book related media so lay down your pitch forks.

I just saw the Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice and to sum it up in two separate words; Terrible! Disaster! Yes! I said it. Tell Zack Snyder to sue me. Oh by the way…this is really spoiler heavy. You might wanna stop here if you don’t really want to see some spoilers for said movie. Continue if you don’t care.

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To Liberty University, Hillsong (NYC) and Christians as a whole: Where do we draw the line?

Alright…alright. It’s been a while since I’ve written or posted anything. It’s been a while largely due to a lot of things happening with me. I’ve been busy, busy, busy. Now, onto the reason I write to you my fellow internet citizens and explorers; Liberty University. Hillsong,New York. In my blog, I have openly identified as Christian so this post might be a little different from the ones I’ve written before.

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Incoming Refugees vs Estonia: Preserving traditional Estonia and Why that is a terrible idea.

Good Day citizens of the Internet, lads and lassies, lords and ladies. It is I, the great bard, Shayne the First. I know I have been away for quite a while; actually I think It’s almost 6 months. A lot has happened, wrote my Master’s thesis, graduated, and now I’m working on getting a job in Estonia. Yes, I’m still in Estonia. Recently the EU commission, as a way to help alleviate the immigration problems of some of its member states like Italy, Spain, delegated the distribution of these immigrants to other member states including Estonia. Now this is where the problem starts.

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An ode to Humanity and Equality

Good Peoples of the Internet, earlier today I wrote about the issue with Charlie Hedbo Journalists. Upon further reflection, in the spirit of equality, I am deciding to write this piece to every innocent soul taken by war, those unknown people of the world suffering injustice and so on. It’s NOT okay to blow the horn about the current situation in France and ignore the rest of the world. I am by no means belittling that horrible tragedy however I am saying let us cast out gaze on not only France but on the world.

An occurrence should not be a tragedy only when it happens in the US or in Europe. Extremism has adversely affected the Middle East the most. All the people in the Middle East are not terrorists, they are people just like you and I. They have feelings, they have a sense of humor. Their location does not make them any different than you. Is it now when this thing has happened in France that it is a tragedy? Is it only now that the whole world wants to support France and hold candlelight vigils as a means of either pandering to this socio-political conundrum. Why now? Just yesterday, 29 innocent people were murdered in cold blood in Afghanistan, 12 in Syria, and 9 in Iraq. Why isn’t that getting airplay? Why isn’t the world decrying these murders? Why isn’t the world rallying together in support of the right to life of these persons in the Middle East? Ask yourself that question, Why am I concerned about France and ignoring the Middle East? Have I written off the Middle East? Why don’t I care that children are being made orphans and parents are losing children? We need to start focusing on what is right- loving one another irrespective of race or skin colour. That’s what true equality is. I think part of the reason the world jumps whenever a first-world country is attacked by terrorist is because people are made to believe that in First-World-Countries, everything should be tip-top, they should have no flaw, no blemish, no problems. Everything should be smooth. However, in places like Iraq, “Oh it’s their country, we don’t care. They can kill themselves as long as they don’t bring it to our side”. We literally don’t care what happens there. We assume it’s normal for them to bomb each other. This is wrong. It shouldn’t be the case. They are people as well.

This ode is to you armchair activists. So you know, Jumping up and carrying banners to every cause that you can add a hashtag to is not activism. It’s high time we started caring about every race. Don’t rise up only when it affects a 1st world country or it’s so cool with a hashtag. Yes, I’m looking at you “#BringBackOurGirls”. Posting a photo online is not how strife is subdued. Giving something awareness by pouring water over your head doesn’t help anyone. Awareness alone will not change anything rather clear-cut decisions and choices will.


This post was much more random, but it still sounds like me. Yeuup.






The Charlie Hebdo terrorist attack/manslaughter and the small mindness of Extremists

Hey there stranger. Welcome to the quadrant on the internet free of hate, prejudice, condemnation and full of Love. I, Shayne the First, would be your guide as we traverse this tumultuous world of words. This is something I personally feel I need to talk about. Why? You ask? Why O Shayne dost thou hast to talk about the gross socio-political grime of the world? I’ll tell you, young padawans. For starters, I’m not religious but I am a christian. I support having a relationship with God. And that’s not a religion. Believe it or not. Is that too personal for you? Sorry. However, I did say I’d be a little personal today.  Now, look at the title above.

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Dear United States, Ethics Lesson 1: Humans > One movie. SONY: Best Marketing Scheme Ever.

A very Merry Christmas to you, Ladies and Gentlemen, Lords and Ladies, Lads and Lassies, dudes and dudettes, realm-dwellers, townfolk and simple passers by through the mystical lands of the realm of virtuality known as the Internet. Now that I’ve caught your attention or amusement (Whatever tiny emotion or non-emotion you felt), I wish to simply add my two cents to some occurrences in the never-ending space-time continuum of the political, socio-economic paradigm of recent times. Yes I am speaking about something rather controversial today…get a chair, this gon’ be good.

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Sony Hack Attack: Open letter to SONY, the scared FBI, NSA and CIA intelligence, North Korea and Seth Rogen

Ahhh the sweet sounds of Irony. Oh? I’m sorry I didn’t see you there. I was just here trying hard to stifle a laugh at SONY. Yea O people of the InternetDom, It is I once again, Shayne the First bringing you the humorous and cowardice practices of supposedly “big, advanced” corporate film studios….Did I hear someone sigh? Yeuuup. You should have. Sony was hacked! Big whoop! Read More

CIA Torture Report: The movies were right. They don’t fight terror, they breed it.

Yes! My fellow comrades of the Internet, my trusty companions who alongside me, bestride the good, bad and the ugly that is found at the very bedrock of the International Republic of the Internet- a place where cat videos reign supreme and publicity stunts to get a couple of “internet points” are the order of the day. He who hath an ear, let him hear the sound of my Trump. I bring you sad tidings, as you might have guessed. Brace for impact, this will be a long ride.

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Dr. Matt Taylor lands a Spacecraft on a comet, Feminists are pissed.

Ohhhhh, I am angry fair peoples of the internet, I might not put pleasantries here, this is because I am pissed. Extremely pissed. A Scientist did something spectacular by making one of the greatest scientific breakthroughs of the 21st century and what did humanity do to thank him? “Hey man, horrible shirt”. What? What is this world coming to? This man is advancing science and instead of being praised for his genius some self-righteous, selfish, bigoted people who wrongly call themselves feminists are slamming him on Tumblr. Personally, take that site down. I might write a whole new blog post about that.

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